How do I contact Financial Services?

If you would like to discuss options for funding your education, you may either visit your local campus or call Student Financial Services at: 1-844-727-4357.

Additional Support Numbers:

DepartmentAvailabilityContact Number


Assists students with obtaining

alldocumentsto ensure they

receive their financial aid,

answers 1098-T questions

Mon-Thur: 9:00AM - 8:00PM EST

Fri-Sat: 9:00AM - 3:00PM EST

(877) 242-4430


Responsible for receiving

payments from students

Mon-Thur: 9:00AM - 8:00PM EST

Fri-Sat: 9:00AM - 3:00PM EST

(855) 341-6033

Verification Team

Reviews verification

documents and other financial

aid documentation for accuracy

Mon-Thur: 9:00AM - 8:00PM EST

Fri-Sat: 9:00AM - 3:00PM EST

(877) 401-2580

VA Certifications Team

Certifies Veterans Educational


Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:30PM EST(877) 224-0683

 (iCampus > My Finances)

Still need help?

If you can't find the answers to your questions, feel free to contact our Support Team.

Toll Free: 844-478-7293

International: 703-561-2120